Heyyyy Makeup Lovers!!!!
I never knew that there could ever be so many ways to be Naked until Urban Decay came long and proved me wrong by making not two but three different Naked eye shadow palette’s that every girl wants to get their hands on! These palettes are what every makeup artist, beauty blogger, and crazy makeup lover crave. I am going to safely write that all three of these gorgeous Palettes are Urban Decay best sellers since Naked3 is already sold out and it’s only been a few hours of it being out! The day isn’t even over yet. How crazy is that?
Sadly I am one of those crazy makeup lovers that ended up not making it to the site on time! It’s all good because someday I will have my hands on this lovely palette!
Now let me show you the three different palettes that the will help you look great being Naked. ;)
Naked Palette
The Naked Palette is loaded with twelve beautiful bronze-hue neutrals that proved being Naked is better.

This one looks just like the first one but it is loaded with twelve taupe-hued neutrals eye shadows instead of the bronze-hue neutrals.
I am so happy that Urban Decay went with a whole new kind of Naked with this Palette, not only did they make this palette totally different, but the twelve rose-hued neutrals are brand new! In this palette you have your "smooth mattes", "gorgeous pearls", and metallic finish ranging from the lightest shimmery pink to a deep warm black with rosy red glitter eye shadow.
Who knew that the color rose would be the new Naked color!
If you were lucky enough to get this palette then not only are you getting a nice double-ended shadow/blending brush but also getting an Eye shadow Primer Potion sampler with resalable samples of all four formulas! That is awesome, I am so jealous of any of you girls that got one today. Haha, just kidding, well kind of.
What do you girls think of the Naked3 Palette? Loving it? Hating it?
I hope you have are a having a good day or night!
Much love from your crazy makeup lover!!
As much as I love to create makeup looks and learning about the next big new products I do have my lazy days with makeup.
There are some days I just want to wear my favorite bright pink lipstick instead of wearing a full face of makeup. Like in this picture I just wore a light pink eye shadow with pink lips with no face makeup, not even wearing CC Cream. Just my naked face. See I am not afraid to go out in public wearing no makeup because I know I am beautiful with or without it. I wear makeup because I just love it. I love everything about it. I love that it can make you look more awake when you feel like the total opposite and how it can make you feel much more confident. I love the art of makeup too. I love to create looks for you girls because it is fun for me. I love to do my own and other people’s makeup because it is just one of my passions I just love to do. I know some people may think I wear makeup because they think I feel like I need too but that's not the case. I sometimes get comments like "you don't need makeup". No one needs makeup; makeup shouldn't be a need but a want. If you want to wear makeup to embrace your style or make a statement then you should. If you feel like you don't need it, then don't wear it. I feel like everyone is beautiful the way they are.
Don't wear makeup because you feel like you need it or someone says you’re ugly. Never use concealer to hide who you are.
Wear it if you want to show your fun side by wearing blue or green eyeliner, show your sexy side by rocking out a smoky eye, and show you neutral side by wearing pretty nudes and so on. There are no rules to makeup in my book but just one. Make sure people still recognize you. When I do makeup on other people I make sure they still look like themselves. I see pictures on Pinterest of girls that contour the crap out of their face and end up looking like a whole new person. That's cool that they can do that but why would you want to change the way you look. Don't get me wrong I love to contour too but not the whole face. It should be here and there not everywhere but that's my opinion. Makeup should enhance your look not change it. Be happy who you are with or without mascara!
Never be afraid to rock out your naked face!
Much love from your one and only crazy makeup lover!
Heyyy Makeup Lovers!!!
I'm back with more gift ideas for those of you who want to get something nice for their friends or co-workers without a big price tag it’s the thought that counts after all!
I have both highend and low end brands for you in this post because the low end brands are just as awesome and you get way more for your money.
Here are the $25 and under gifts!!
I am going to start with one of my favorites because it’s awesome!
Too Faced Jingle All the Way $25.00
Not only do you get a glamorous makeup palette that comes with 11 day-to-night shadows, a sexy bronzer, and a pretty pink blush but you also get a fun iPhone case too. You can get the blue one on toofaced.com and at Ulta but the pink one is only at Sephora. This just such a cute two in one gift to give to any of your friends that have the iPhone 5.
Nails inc. London Bling It On Rose Gold $22.50 at Sephora
This one is for the girls that love to show off some bling even on her nails.
BareMinerals Show Me the Shimmer $25.00 at Sephora and BareMinerals
Not only are these lip glosses are pretty on the lips they will also give you full and moisturized lips! These are perfect for the cold winter months.
Tarte Thoughtful Treasures Best-Sellers Set $19 at Sephora, Ulta, and tartecosmetics.com
If you couldn't afford the Tarte gift set I wrote about in my last blog then this little gift is just as thoughtful and affordable. Everybody wins!
Sephora Plum Daze Blinged Palette $16.00
This is for the girl that needs something fun and trendy to travel around with.
Sephora 12HR Wear Waterproof Contour Eye Pencil Set $22.00 at Sephora
Like I said in my last post, who doesn't love a great eyeliner.
Hey Makeup Lovers!!!
It almost my favorite time of the year!
The air gets colder, all the holiday movies start playing on TV, all the houses are all dress up for the cold winter nights, and most importantly all the high end brands come out with fun cute gift sets and palettes for the holidays. These sets make such a great gift to give for that crazy makeup lover in your life or maybe just for you! It is always smarter to buy a gift set from any high end brand because you are saving more than half of your money then if you were too just buy one full size product from that brand.
For example last year I brought a Tarte gift set for $50.00 that had blush, a full size eye shadow palette and about six lips glosses in a cute makeup case. If I were to buy just one blush form Tarte is would of cost me about $30.00. DO you see where I'm coming from? SO don’t feel bad about buying yourself one gift this year. Instead feel beautiful when you wear it.
I am doing my gift guide post early this year because I might be working a holiday job again and that means I won’t be blogging that much for a little while. I am going to try to do as much blogging as I can before I become a workaholic again. Blah.
Believe me I rather enjoy the holidays instead of working through them because I love this time for the year but I have a wedding and a future house to pay for. So if you have any request for makeup looks, let me know now so I can create them for you.
Now on with the future must have Christmas gifts!!!
My top Favorites that I think every girl should have:
Urban Decay Vice 2 Palette $59 at Sephora, Ultra, and urbandecay.com
I know I already have written so much about this product but this is so worth getting. It is such a fun palette for that girl that loves to have unique bold eye shadows in an edgy sleek case. It’s sleek and sexy!
I have been using this palette for most of my looks lately. I am so addicted to it.
Ocho Loco 2 $59.00 at Sephora and urbandecay.com
These are just the most awesome eyeliners a girl could have. I have been using these with most of my makeup looks too. This is a perfect gift for anyone at any age because who doesn't like a good waterproof eyeliner that will stay on all day?
Makeup Academy Blockbuster $49.50 at Sephora
I have two of the blockbuster palettes that I have gotten in the last two years and I just love them because you can have just about any look you crave that day. The thing is this isn’t good for the girl that travels a lot because as you can tell they are really bulky and heavy. They also break really easy, so get this for the girl that keeps her makeup at home!
The Tarte of Giving Collector's Set & Travel Bag $59.00 at Sephora.
I have their last year gift set and I believe this set is perfect for the girl that travels because it comes in a neat travel bag and everything that comes with it is either sleek or small. The eye shadows are perfect to create an everyday eye and a night out on the town eye. Not only are you getting fun makeup but you also are getting two of the best skin care products any girl can have. The eye treatment and face oil is so helpful for the ones that want to keep their youthful skin in shape.
Stila Artist Essential Set $59.00 at Sephora.
All I got to say is this is perfect for the makeup artist in your life. Just look at it.
Too Faced Joy to the Girls $46.00 at Sephora and toofaced.com
Give this to the girl that loves the whole Christmas theme thing because this palette can't get any more Christmas if it tried. One of my favorite things about Too Faced is that they always have a theme and they stay with the theme by the names they give their eye shadows. Here’s is few of the eye shadows names that are in this palette:
Sugar Plum
Snow Angel
Spike the Punch
Don't these names just give you that warm Christmas feeling or is it just me?
Glitz & Glam Sephora Favorites $45.00
This is perfect for the girl that just wants a little bit of everything.
These last two must haves are going to throw you off because there neither a gift set nor makeup set but it is still perfect for the crazy makeup lover in your life.
GIRLIE LIPSTICK PENDANT $58.00 at besteyjohnson.com
GIRLIE LIPS PENDANT $35.00 at besteyjohnson.com
These two fun necklaces have matching earrings if you want to go all out but this gift is perfect for the girl that has makeup for days and you are not sure if she has those products already or not.
I think this is a really cute gift to give your crazy makeup lover.
If you feel like this didn't help you or that you want something cheaper for a friend then no worries I have two more gift guides post coming your way. One is going to be $25.00 and under gift guide for those that want to give a little something to their friends or co-workers.
I hope this post help any of you girls!
Have an awesome weekend!
Much love from your crazy makeup lover!
Heyy Makeup Lovers!!!
Covergirl has made a line of makeup for The Hunger Games: Catching on Fire movie and they also made a look for each district. They all look really awesome and very different. If you haven’t seen any of these looks, then check them out!
I love these looks so much that I thought it would be soo much fun to recreate some of them. I am not going to do all of them because I really don't have time, but I am going to at least do one more. The look I recreated today is the one from District 12, now this look is not wearable at all as you can tell but it was so much fun to make. I love getting really creative with makeup even if it means I can't wear it in public. hahaha
I hope you enjoy this look and please feel free to request any of the District looks you would like to see me do.
Warning: really intense eye makeup!
Which one of the District looks do you like the most?
Have a good day or night!
Much love from your crazy makeup lover!