Heyyyy Makeup Lovers!!!
Do you girls love to shop? I think shopping is one of my favorite things to do but I don't do it that often since I have been saving for a house. When I do shop it is mostly done at Kohl’s or on online stores like fab.com, hautelook.com, and SparkBlvd.com.
I love these kind of sites because you can get such great deals on items that was way out of your budget
Spark Blvd is a new web site that opened back in March that sells a whole bunch of things like skin care, cloths, furniture and so on. They also have weekly sales! I counted seven brands on sale this week. I am in love with their fitness sale they are having for both man and woman.
Like most online sites and stores there are some that are hit and miss but that's what I love about shopping. I love when I can't find anything and then all of a sudden boom!!! I find a cute top or something that caching my eyes.
There are a lot of cute and fun things around this site like....
To shop at this site you girls do need to sign up for a membership but don't worry you can sign up for free. I also have an awesome treat for you girls. They gave me a code that will let you girls have %25 off on your first order. How awesome is that! It’s only for a limited time but I not sure how long, so get to shopping. lol
Oh yea the code is Welcome25
Here is all their links:
Wed site:
Happy shopping!
Much love from your crazy makeup lover!
Heyy Makeup Lovers!!!!
I made another summer look for the girls who would like a little more of a drama to their look. This makeup look is sooo easy to do and it is great for those hot summer days because I used my Color Tattoo by Maybelline. If you girls don't have this product or have something like it, then I would get it if I were you because it will stay on until you wash if off. If I could I would buy every single shade of the color tattoos!
If you girls want to know how to do this super fun and easy look then please read on...
For the face:
I used my Maybelline BB Cream with SPF 35 in it all over my face and instead of using a setting powder I used elf Makeup Mist and set.
I like to do this in the summer because the powder ends up looking cakey on my face instead of flawless.
The setting spray will set and stop any makeup from sweating off!
After I let my face dry I added bronzer all over my face to add some color.
I then mix a pink and orange blush together and added it to my cheeks.
For that nice glow I added a pink highlight to my cheek bones.
For the eyes:
I applied an eye primer all over the lids and then took my Color Tattoo in Fierce & Tangy which is a pretty orange color with a little shimmer in it and applied it all over my eyelids, on the tear ducts, and under my eyes.
I added an eye shadow color that was almost the same shade as it to bring out the color more and used a lighter orange with more shimmer in it on my tear ducts.
I took a bronze eye shadow and blend that into my crease and I think I used just a white eye shadow on my brow bone as a highlight but I can't really remember. Opps!
To complete the look I added black Waterproof eyeliner and mascara.
For the lips:
I just made my own nude lip gloss with a hint in it.
I love making my own lip colors because I get bored with the same old lip sticks and lip glosses sometimes.
I also set my face once more with the mist and set spray.
What do you girls think of this summer look? Do you like it better than the other one? Hate it?
Here are more pictures!!!!
If you girls don't have time to put makeup on and you are going to be outside all day then just put on some awesome sunglasses.
Like These!!!
I hope you girls have a good day or night.
Much love from you crazy makeup lover.
Hey Makeup Lovers!!!!
I am sorry for not posting much last week.
I was hoping to blog this weekend but I was way too busy and tried to blog.
On Friday night I did the relay for life team with my mom and friends.
It was fun but it was so hard staying up all night!
I ended sleeping for like six hours on Saturday and I thought Saturday would have been a good day to blog but I just felt like watching movies instead. I was just being lazy ;)
Sunday was such a nice hot day that I just had to go to the beach! It was a must lol.
I thought tonight would be the perfect day to blog but I ended up working over 12 hours. Opps!
No worries I will be back to blogging tomorrow after working and gyming it. :)
Much love from your crazy
Makeup lover!
Have a good day or night.
Heyy Makeup Lovers
I am sorry but this post will not be about anything to do with makeup. This is about a book I am reviewing for shespeaks.com. I hope you girls like this post anyways. Thank you for reading. :)
The Fast Metabolism Book Review
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post for Shespeaks/Fast Metabolism Diet. Shespeak.com sent me a copy of the book to read and write a review about the book.
A few months ago Shespenks.com sent me a diet book called “The Fast Metabolism Diet” by Haylie Pomroy who is a highly respected
nutritionist due to her very successful diet program that has helped so many people lose up to twenty pounds in four weeks. I was
supposed to do this diet along with this review but I already take good care of my body and mind by working out, eating normal
healthy meals, and by drinking lots of water. Two years ago I decide to stop dieting and make a life style change. What is the
different between a diet and a life style change?
The difference between a diet and a life style change is instead of having my weight yo-yoing between 10lbs and 20lbs by being on
fad diets I decide to work out four times a week and eat normal healthy meals to stay on a healthy normal weight that I am happy
with. I wanting to live my life by enjoying it not by worrying about how much I am going to weigh in the morning. That is what diet does, they make you worry and think about food way too much.
If you really want to lose weight and keep if off by doing this program then you have to tell yourself that you are making a life
style change and you will not go back to your bad eating habits. The truth is you can’t just do this diet for four weeks and all
your weight problems will be over with. To keep the weight off for good, you will have to eat right and workout for the rest of
your life and for a lot of people they don’t like that concept. A lot of people don’t like to work out and they rather eat a whole
cake then just a piece. A lot of people don’t want to try. I’m not trying to be mean or anything, I’m just being honest on what I have seen and learn.
I also believe that when woman see the word fast and diet on the same book of course people are going to buy it because they think
it’s a fast way out of their troubles and when they read it those women will be disappointed. The reason why? It’s a lot of work.
You have to fellow her rules and her plan. You can’t have coffee, alcohol, or any diet soda. For the first time you do this diet
you cannot cheat at all because she says then your metabolism won’t heal right, but then after you lose whatever how much you
wanted then you can have a little piece of cake if you wanted to.
Just like Pomroy I believe in eating a colorful diet and eating breakfast in the first half hour you wake up. We believe to eat
three meals and two snacks a day. She does say things in her book that are helpful to changing your lifestyle but her diet I’m not
so sure about it. She believes in eating a colorful diet in Phases but for not every day.
This is how her diet plan works:
Phase 1 (Monday-Tuesday):
Lots of carbs and fruits
Phase 2 (Wednesday-Thursday):
Lots of proteins and veggies
Phase 3 (Friday- Sunday):
All of the above, plus healthy fats and oils
I’m not saying this is a bad plan because it has helped many people lose weight so it says in her book but I believe in eating a
colorful diet every day. Eat your fruits, veggies, good crabs, and proteins every day. It’s good for you and why can’t that kind of
diet help fix people metabolism? Why do people need to lose the weight so fast? I thought the slower you lose the weight the less likely the weight would come back.
One more thing I don’t agreed about his diet program is her work out plan. I mean it’s good for people who don’t really workout but
it is really a pain for the ones who do and love it. I love to work out because it eases my stress and gives me energy and I am also a runner.
This is her plan:
On Phase 1 (Monday - Tuesday)
Just do cardio on one or both of those days
On Phase 2 (Wednesday – Thursday)
Just weight lifting
On Phase 3 (Friday – Sunday)
Yoga or get a message
I’m sorry I cannot just do cardio for three days because I am training for a half marathon.
I not trying to say this diet is bad or anything, it just doesn’t work for me. Every body’s body is different; I sometimes don’t
understand why we have to have this miracle diet to get people to lose weight. I just highly believe in eating a normal diet. If you
are craving sugar why not pick up an apple or any of your favorite fruits. Why can’t people make small choices every day that will
help them in the long run? Why do we need these big break though diet to help get people to motivate them to help better themselves? People should want to better themselves for them and for their family so they can live a long and highly life. In my conclusion I believe if a person makes small choices in their diet everyday if will help them in a big way in the long run.
Here is all of Haylie Pomroy Info.
Website: http://www.fastmetabolismdiet.com
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/hayliepomroy
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hayliepomroy
Program Hashtag: #FastMetabolismDiet
Have a good day or night. :)